I Want / I Need
The collage works of this time period were a new direction and departure from my work in abstract oil painting. A few small experiments with collage in 2010, opened up what now seem like endless possibilities of form and content. The images collected from magazines and catalogues serve as a vocabulary with which to negotiate desire, identity, and a search for meaning.
For the exhibit at the Twist Gallery in 2010, Nashville based artist, Angela Burkes, and I created a site specific installation as a context for our 2d works documented below.
I Want I Need Installation at Twist Gallery, Nashville, TN 2010
This installation was a collaborative work by Angela Burkes and Mandy Rogers Horton. It included the installation and alteration of found objects such as chairs, chandeliers, and wallpaper.
I Want I Need Installation at Twist Gallery, Nashville, TN 2010
The wallpaper at back, chandeliers, as well as chairs were part of the collaborative installation.
I Want I Need Installation at Twist Gallery, Nashville, TN 2010
2d works on the wall are an assortment of those by Burkes and those by Rogers Horton. The wallpaper, rug and chair were installed and altered as part of their collaborative installation.